Bela Breslau and Stephen Billias Teaching in Quebec City

We will have the pleasure of receiving instruction from instructors Bela Breslau and Stephen Billias.

This workshop is open to all levels. There will be 2 keiko Saturday and 1 Sunday morning.

As we are only a few weeks notice, we will not have a price for pre-registration. However if you are interested please let us know as soon as possible, we will inform you about the last details of the workshop.
Cost: 100$ (Can)

You can also find us on Facebook for information or to register at 418-609-0723 (Hervé) or
418-759-3331 (Carole).

Hope to see you all again and practice together very soon!


Hervé Hofstetter and Carole Brouillette
Québec Shintaïdo Doshokai