We will have the pleasure of receiving instruction from instructors Bela Breslau and Stephen Billias.
This workshop is open to all levels. There will be 2 keiko Saturday and 1 Sunday morning.
As we are only a few weeks notice, we will not have a price for pre-registration. However if you are interested please let us know as soon as possible, we will inform you about the last details of the workshop.
Cost: 100$ (Can)
You can also find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/shintaidodequebec for information or to register at 418-609-0723 (Hervé) or
418-759-3331 (Carole).
Hope to see you all again and practice together very soon!
Hervé Hofstetter and Carole Brouillette
Québec Shintaïdo Doshokai