July 2007 Body Dialogue Now Online

The July issue of Body Dialogue is now available online. Articles in this issue are:

  • Risky Questions
  • Shintaido and Troubled Kids by Geoff Warr
  • More Shintaido One-Liners
  • Sword that Kills, Sword that Gives Life by Paul Cho
  • Minagawa Sensei on Sword of Life and Death

For those interested in publishing articles in the next issue, submissions are due by November 15, 2007. Please send your articles, poems and/or pictures to the editor at: newsletter@shintaido.org.

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Duex Do Photos Online

The Shintaido Farm was the site of the Deux Do workshop . In attendance were many people from Quebec and other parts of Canada, as well as Aikido students from the Wellness Resource Center in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, their teacher Don Cardoza, and some Shintaido Northeast Shintaido practitioners.
The gallery of photos taken by Sarah Prince, Bela Breslau, and Stephen Billias can be found at

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Photos from Pacific Shintaido Kangeiko 2007 Online

From January 12-15, 2007 Pacific Shintaido held their Kangeiko in Occidental, CA. Some photos from the event taken by Shin Aoki, Stephen Billias, and Robert Kedoin are now available online.

Other attendees who have photos are encouraged to send them to photos@shintaido.org!

UPDATE 1-30-2007: Nine more photos from Robert Kedoin have been added. They appear on pages 10 and 11 of the gallery.

UPDATE 2-02-2007: Nineteen more photos from Lee Seamn have been added. They appear on pages 11-13. The pictures are of the NTC demo which happened after the exams.

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