
Shintaido of America (SoA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1976 to promote the practice of Shintaido in the United States. Shintaido of America’s goals are to increase access to and insure the quality of instruction, to support the development of new groups, and to serve as a resource and forum for the exchange of information. SoA produces educational materials such as texts and videos, and publishes Body Dialogue, a national magazine. It facilitates relations between Shintaido groups in this country and overseas, certifies instructors and teaching assistants, and regulates instructor exchanges and activities.

Becoming a Member

You can now join or renew Shintaido of America membership online!

Please fill out an on-line Membership Form and then pay below:

Shintaido of America Membership

Or, to join SoA and pay by check please contact the Membership Secretary: for mailing information.

“Shintaido has a profound effect on both the body and spirituality of its followers. It can bring peace of mind, soul, and body in a chaotic world that is constantly changing.”

Professor Emeritus George Athan Billias
(SoA member, age 97)

Membership Benefits

Shintaido of America is a non-profit organization that relies largely on volunteer staff and membership contributions for support. Shintaido of America membership is the best way for you to stay in touch with the Shintaido network.

As a member, you support:

  • membership projects
  • curriculum and technical development
  • production of new publications, videos, and podcasts
  • continuing education for instructors
  • assistance to fledgling groups
  • international instructor exchange programs
  • administrative support

As a member, you benefit by:

  • electronic notification of new articles in Body Dialogue, the Shintaido magazine
  • access to curriculum and technical information
  • Membership rate on regional workshops / retreats
  • discounts on selected publications and videos
  • attend national events and advanced workshops
  • eligibility to apply for scholarships for national events
  • eligible to take Shintaido certification examinations