From Stephen Billias: Pictures of last week’s Shintaido Northeast Kangeiko 2008 are now available at: Thanks for Sarah Prince for the fine photos!
Read moreJanuary 2008 Body Dialogue Now Online
The January issue of Body Dialogue is now available online. Articles in this issue are: The Road to Bil-in: A Role for Keiko in Nonviolent Resistance by Aviv Tatarsky Eiko…
Read moreADVANCE REGISTRATION – Tenshin Meditation Seminar with Aoki sensei July 6-7 2008
From Ula Chambers: Dear Shintaido Friends in USA and Australia, I have pleasure in sending you an update on the Tenshin seminar and reminding you that advance registration for the…
Read more2008 European Forum during the 2008 European Festival
From Mieko Hirano: Dear Friends, We are very happy to announce that you can now register for the next European Forum (opened to the Assistants/2-kyu holders and above) to be…
Read moreAnnouncing the 2008 Shintaido International Conference
Dear Friends, We are very happy to announce the opening of registration for the next Quadrennial International Conference of the International Shintaido Federation to be held in Verbania from July…
Read moreJuly 2007 Body Dialogue Now Online
The July issue of Body Dialogue is now available online. Articles in this issue are:
- Risky Questions
- Shintaido and Troubled Kids by Geoff Warr
- More Shintaido One-Liners
- Sword that Kills, Sword that Gives Life by Paul Cho
- Minagawa Sensei on Sword of Life and Death
For those interested in publishing articles in the next issue, submissions are due by November 15, 2007. Please send your articles, poems and/or pictures to the editor at:
Read moreMembership Letter from President Borden
Dear Shintaido practitioners:
It is membership renewal time and membership dues are the main source of income for Shintaido of America (SoA). Here are some of the benefits and accomplishments of Shintaido of America:
- Liability insurance for every member of SoA regardless of where you practice. This insurance is good at any Shintaido class, workshop, or gasshuku.
- Exams offered by accredited SoA Instructors at Pacific Shintaido’s Kangeiko in January, Shintaido Northeast’s Kangeiko in February, the Shintaido Farm in June, and Bellingham, Washington in August.
- SoA Instructors also held numerous local and regional workshops, including several in Bellingham, Washington, and others in Northampton and Worcester, Massachusetts.
- The Shintaido Farm in Deerfield, Massachusetts, the first dojo in the United States owned by Shintaido members is active with gasshuku and workshops. For more information on the Shintaido Farm, please see the News item on our web site at
- Our SoA Technical Committee sent two delegates from this country to participate in the European Shintaido College event in October 2006.
- Our online photo archive continues to expand, and we have developed a number of professional-quality brochures for promotional purposes.
Here are some ongoing benefits of being a member of SoA:
- Online registration for events and dues payments
- DVDs, videos, written publications, and other materials sold on the SoA website
- Accreditation and continuing training for Instructors, and the ability of all SoA members to take exams
You can pay your dues online at: or you can send a check or money order to PO Box 1979, Novato, CA 94948-1979.
Thank you for your support of Shintaido of America, and Shintaido in America.
Best Regards,
Connie Borden
President, SoA
Duex Do Photos Online
The Shintaido Farm was the site of the Deux Do workshop . In attendance were many people from Quebec and other parts of Canada, as well as Aikido students from the Wellness Resource Center in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, their teacher Don Cardoza, and some Shintaido Northeast Shintaido practitioners.
The gallery of photos taken by Sarah Prince, Bela Breslau, and Stephen Billias can be found at
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Check it out today, and if you decide to buy, remember that SHINTAIDO OF AMERICA will earn significant funds in support of our mission!
Board Minutes from January meeting posted
The Board of Directors had their spring conference call meeting on April 29. At that meeting, the minutes from the January 10, 2007 meeting were approved.
The minutes have been placed online in the Board of Directors section of the website. There you can view current and past members as well as view recorded minutes.