Appendix I: Organizational Structure


Shintaido of America Board of Directors consists of voting members selected by the SoA membership and non-voting advisory members who serve at the pleasure of the Board.

For information and a list of all current SoA Board members, please visit the Board of Directors page.

The SoA President is selected by the Board of Directors for a two-year term.
The SoA Membership Secretary is appointed by the Board of Directors for a two-year term.
The SoA Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors.


Membership in the National Technical Council (NTC) is extended to all SoA members who have reached the level of Senior Instructor or that of Sandan, or above, in Karate, Bojutsu, or Kenjutsu.

For information and a list of the current NTC members, please visit the SoA NTC page.


Shintaido Group Leaders are an informal and self-organized group of people who teach Shintaido locally in the United States. The Group Leaders meet periodically, usually at gasshukus, to do keiko together and share ideas, questions and concerns. Group Leaders must be SoA members in order to attend these events. SoA supports the work of the group leaders by recommending that time be provided at gasshukus for meetings and practice, and by providing occasional stipends for expenses. The Group Leaders are responsible for setting their own objectives and goals.


SOA Bookstore: sells printed materials and videotapes about Shintaido.

Body Dialogue: The official publication of SoA. It carries articles on the practice of Shintaido and on national and regional activities.

SOA YouTube Channel: the official YouTube Channel for SoA. It has videos showing Shintaido practice, lectures and talks, and one place to listen of our podcast offerings

SOA Podcast: the official Podcast production for SoA offering audio recordings from SoA books and interviews with practitioners of Shintaido. The Shintaido of America podcast can be found on most popular podcast apps by searching “Shintaido of America”.

SOA Website: is the official website of SoA.