Become a Shintaido of America member!

Become a Shintaido of America member!

Greetings from the board of Shintaido of America! It is time to renew your membership.

Moving forward in our world, which is filled with chaos, there is an urgent need for peace. As we re-dedicate ourselves to our practice of Shintaido, let our practice bring peace inside each of us so we can share it with our world. We aim to support our community of practitioners by providing members with:

  1. Full access to the Shintaido of America Website. Check it out! New things are happening all the time! We also feature a media page that includes our newsletter, YouTube, and Podcast links.
  2. Body Dialogue is now completely digital and appears in real-time as postings on the website.
  3. The Shintaido YouTube Channel presents new videos every few weeks.
  4. Liability Insurance for instructors and students – so you and your students are covered no matter where you practice. This is available to members at no cost:
  5. ZOOM classes and in person Keiko -a full listing of these – is available on the SOA website where you can get access to the most up-to-date changes to the curriculum, which continues to develop, especially the Kenjutsu curriculum.
  6. Support to our instructors and the National Technical Committee. Support communication with International Shintaido Technical and Exam Committee (ITEC). Support leadership by SOA and ESC as the organizing and sponsoring organizations for international activities.
  7. Eligibility to challenge SOA examinations and receive SOA Diplomas
  8. Access to grants for travel and education scholarships for Shintaido events worldwide. This past year, we were able to send 8 members on travel scholarships to the International Gasshuku – Dokan.
  9. Support to upcoming groups. In 2025 SOA is providing fiscal sponsorship to Global Taimyo Community. Look for the announcements for the July workshop.

    Electronic payment can easily be made at

    Alternatively, a check for $60 payable to SOA can be mailed to:
    Shintaido of America 426 Day Street SF, CA 94131

    We sincerely hope you will consider renewing your membership and join SOA as we make a difference in our lives.

    Connie Borden, Chair SOA Board of Directors

    Robert Gaston, Chair SOA NTC

    Laura Sheehan Barron, Membership

    Jim Sterling, Body Dialogue

    David Palmer, IT liaison

    David Franklin, Podcast

    and Michael Thompson, nonvoting consultant &co-founder

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